Patient Participation Group

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The patient participation group is a group of volunteer patients who have a keen interest in helping to support and develop the services provided by our practice. The main purpose of the group is to help the practice find ways to innovate and improve the quality of services that we provide to our local community – it’s about coming up with ideas and making suggestions.

The next Patient Group meeting will take place on 4/4/24 at 1830.

You can join the meeting in person at the practice or online via MSTeams.

– Use the link below to register to receive a link to join the meeting remotely

– Arrive at reception at 1825hrs to attend in person

We are always delighted to welcome new members to the patient participation group. If you are interested then please feel free to let our reception know or let us know using our contact form.

Highly effective Patient Participation Groups share some common features and objectives, including

  • Patients to making positive suggestions about the practice, and being an advocate for patient preferences when appropriate.
  • Providing a means for practice staff to inform patients about the reality of running a General Practice.
  • Involving further patients from the wider population, and being an advocate for the practice when appropriate.
  • Encouraging health education activities within the practice.
  • Developing self-help projects to meet the needs of fellow patients, such as befriending, and bereavement support.
  • Acting as a representative group that can be called upon to influence the local provision of health and social care.

To support these objectives, most PPG’s have established ground rules for their meetings. These often include

  • Meetings are not a forum for individual complaints or single issues
  • Open and honest communication is vital
  • We need to be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other
  • The group should demonstrate a commitment to delivering results
  • Silence indicates agreement
  • All views are valid and will be listened to

PPG Minutes and reports