We are commissioned by Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System to provide the full range of General Practice clinics and services, including a number of enhanced services which do not form a core component of our NHS contract. These are available free of charge to our patients.
Why not explore this page to find out more about what we do?
Cervical cytology (smears)
Run by practice nurses. For women aged between 25 & 65 every three years. If you are unsure of this then please bring it up to either the nurse or a doctor within the practice. You will receive a letter advising you when to book your appointment – please don’t book at any other times as the sample will get rejected by the lab.
If you choose to opt out of the cervical smears programme then we please ask that you make an appointment to see a nurse at the surgery and sign a disclaimer form which will be retained on your records.
For more information why not visit Jo’s Trust
Diabetic eye screening (provided by Nottingham University Hospitals)

If you are diabetic it is really important to attend your diabetic eye screening appointment as untreated diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common causes of sight loss. Weekend appointments are now also available.
To book call 0115 919 4411 (Mon-Fri 8:15-16:00) or email [email protected]
Diagnostic testing clinics
We provide a range of diagnostic testing clinics within General Practice, including
ECG a fast and simple test to assess the electrical activity of the heart
Spirometry a type of lung function testing used to diagnose and monitor a range of respiratory conditions
FeNO using specialist equipment to assess the amount of nitrous oxide in the air we breath out in order to diagnose and monitor asthma
Urea Breath Testing to detect helicobacter pylori – a bacteria associated with reflux and stomach ulcers
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring which records your blood pressure over a 12 or 24 hour period.
These tests will be requested by your clinician as an appropriate part of your care should they become needed.
Ear syringing
Patients with confirmed ear wax in one or both ears should continue to use olive oil or a suitable over the counter remedy for a minimum of two weeks before considering ear syringing as this often is sufficient to clear the problem.
Ear syringing can be arranged with our practice nurse team.
Extended Access Clinics
Alongside other practices within our local Primary Care Network we offer a range of extended access clinics with a wide range of clinicians. These provide a number of appointments before 8am and between 6pm and 8pm on weekdays and between 9am and 5pm on Saturdays.
These clinics run at a variety of locations and can be booked by our reception team.
Family planning
Our practice nurse team are able to offer advice and guidance about family planning and contraception.
At present we are able to offer contraceptive patches, tablets and injections.
Women wanting to access long acting reversible contraceptives (implants and coils) can self refer to our local sexual health services run by Nottingham University Hospitals.
Fit (Sick) Notes
You do not require a Fit Note for any illness lasting seven days or less. Your employer may however require you to complete a self-certification form which is available from your employer or on the HMRC website. Unfortunately, the practice is unable to provide fit notes for these first days of any illness / injury.
If you are sick for more than seven days, your employer can ask you to give them some form of medical evidence to support payment of SSP (statutory sick pay).
It is up to your employer to decide whether you are incapable of work. A medical certificate, now called a ‘Statement of Fitness for Work’ from a doctor is strong evidence that you are sick and would normally be accepted, unless there is evidence to prove otherwise.
You could also provide evidence from someone who is not a medical practitioner, e.g. a dentist. Your employer will decide whether or not this evidence is acceptable. If your employer has any doubts, they may still ask for a medical certificate from your GP.
When requesting a fit note, it is often beneficial to consider whether you would be able to return to work on reduced hours (a phased return), amended duties or with some other adaptation – there is very strong evidence that the longer someone is away from the workplace that it not just gets harder to return to work, but also mental and physical health can suffer.
Health checks
We offer a range of health checks to help people remain fit and healthy. These include
Height, weight and Blood pressure using our self service machine in the waiting room. This is free for any of our registered patients to use, just collect a token from reception.
NHS health checks these are free health checks that we offer to eligible patients and are a good way to check your risk for developing heart and kidney disease, dementia, diabetes and stroke.
Asylum and homeless health checks offer extended health screening for a range of conditions affecting these two groups of people. If you think you may benefit from one of these checks please contact reception.
Pre-diabetes It is recognised that some people are at an increased risk of developing diabetes in the future. When we identify patients who may be at increased risk we will arrange for them to have a routine blood test each year to track their risk and we will offer them a place on a Diabetes Prevention Programme. More information about these programmes can be found by following one of the following links:
English: https://youtu.be/ns5ioaLi2g4
Arabic: https://youtu.be/AhiDrnAHlTo
Farsi: https://youtu.be/wrbzyI1CBq0
Kurdish: https://youtu.be/WH5w59Y80FM
Polish: https://youtu.be/hIeu6PzRNBA
Romanian: https://youtu.be/Yzv7L0P_zn8
Tigrigna: https://youtu.be/QwyIsgbYdCA
Home visits
Home visits significantly reduce our capacity to undertake appointments in practice and therefore will only be provided where there is a genuine need for housebound patients, as assessed by one of our clinical team.
If you need a home visit, please phone before 10am and be prepared to answer a few questions about the problem to help the doctor or advanced nurse practitioner assess the urgency of the visit. You will then be added to a triage list and contacted directly by a member of the clinical team, as we often find that most matters can be safely dealt with by phone.
We define housebound as meaning A person is deemed to be housebound when they are unable to leave their home environment through physical / psychological illness, this can be a temporary or permanent position. An individual will not be eligible for a home visit if they are able to leave their home environment (i.e. for shopping and medical appointments) on their own, or with assistance from their household or support bubble members and/or carers.
The ultimate responsibility to determine whether a patient requires a home visit rests with the assessing clinician. Patients assessed as not meeting the criteria for housebound will be expected to attend a clinic or surgery setting.
Long term condition clinics
Our practice nurses and health care assistants run a range of specialist clinics to support and care for patients with the following long term conditions
Asthma asthmatic patients should be proactive in managing their asthma and have regular reviews; aiming to only need to use their rescue inhaler (sometimes referred to as reliever) a maximum of three times a week. This can help to improve your symptom control and reduce the risk of serious illness.
Diabetes clinics are designed to optimise the management of your diabetes and reduce the risk of serious complications. By working with our team, we can help you to achieve your target blood glucose levels and reduce your risks of ill health. Invitations to these clinics are sent out around your birthday month.
Diabetics who inject medications are able to arrange disposal of sharps boxes by contacting Nottingham City Council. Click here for more information.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) clinics are used to make sure that your medication continues to effectively keep your blood pressure under control and reduce your risk of developing serious complications. This usually involves and annual blood pressure check, a urine test and blood test.
Online services
We offer a wide range of online services, which provide a fast and secure alternative to contacting reception. We strongly encourage patients to use these services whenever possible.
We use a system called engage consultations as our provider of structured e-consultations. These can be used to ask about test results, ask for health advice and request routine face to face and telephone appointments.
Patients are also able to use the NHS App and our SystmOne Online website to view their General Practice record, request repeat medications, request sick notes, and cancel appointments.
Other useful services
We often sign post and / or refer into a number of other local services, including
Antinatal which is run by our local community midwives. If recently you found out that you are pregnant you can contact the midwife directly on 0115 88 33433 and you’ll be given an appointment 8-12 weeks after from the first day of your last period.
Mammography (breast screening) for woman aged 50 and over, who will automatically be called in for routine breast screening. However, we would strongly encourage any woman with a new or changing breast lump to book an appointment with one of our GPs or Advanced Nurse Practitioners. The majority of breast lumps are harmless, but it is sensible to get checked out to be sure.
Minor Surgery
Dr Deolkar and Mr Moorhouse are both highly experienced in providing minor surgery clinics in primary care and offer frequent minor surgery clinics to patients from the practice and those registered at other local practices (referral required).
These clinics include removal of cysts, lipomas, skin tags, moles, joint and tendon sheaf injections.
Non-NHS services (charges may apply)
Some services provided are not covered under our NHS Contract and therefore a fee may be chargeable. We do this in order to ensure that our core NHS clinical services are protected. Examples of such work include: Medicals for pre-employment, driving (eg HGV); insurance claim forms; private sick notes.
The fees we charge are based on British Medical Association Guidelines.
Click here for further information or speak one of the reception team.
There are a number of forms and requests that we are unable to undertake, these include ‘fit to do’ type forms and letters as these often require highly specialist assessment that is beyond the scope of primary care.
As part of the Bulwell and Top Valley Primary Care Network we have access to a first contact physiotherapist service for new muscular skeletal concerns. They provide a mixture of remote and face to face assessments, are able to request appropriate scans and x-rays, and are able to refer patients to hospital when necessary.
Postnatal checkups
Done 8 weeks after delivery, postnatal checks take longer than antenatal appointments. Not only will the doctor give a check-up at this appointment but, will also offer an appointment for your baby’s immunisations.
Practice Pharmacy Team
In addition to the doctors and nurses within the Practice, we have a pharmacist and pharmacy technician who are able to undertake a range of medication reviews and supports the wider practice team with medicines safety and good management.
Their time is often focused on patients with multiple or complex medications.
Repeat prescriptions
We process a large number of repeat prescriptions (and requests for re-supply of acute prescriptions) every day. We aim to process repeat prescription requests within 2 working days, but this may take a little longer if we need to undertake any additional checks or reviews before we can safely authorise some repeat items.
Repeat prescription items can be requested up to 10 days before they are due. Please try not to leave requests until the last minute.
The fastest way to request your repeat prescriptions is to use the NHS App or our SystmOne Online website. These are completely secure and link directly into our clinical systems.
Alternatively repeat prescriptions can be requested by leaving a message on our prescription ordering phone line.
We are only able to accept requests for repeat prescription items from pharmacies on behalf of housebound and / or vulnerable patients. This is in line with national guidelines.
Vaccination clinics
Our highly skilled and knowledgeable practice nurses provide a range of vaccination clinics throughout the year including seasonal flu, childrens immunisations and travel vaccinations.
If you are travelling overseas you may require additional vaccinations and / or malaria prophylaxis. In line with our NHS contract we are able to offer some vaccinations and travel health advice free of charge. However, some vaccinations and medications are not available free under the NHS and may incur a charge. You should complete a travel health questionnaire and return it to the practice at least eight weeks before your intended date of travel to enable us to assess your needs.
For more information about the vaccinations available free of charge on the NHS please visit the NHS vaccinations website.