Why not join our Patient Participation Group?
It is a contractual requirement of NHS England for all GP practices to have a Patient Participation Group (PPG) and to make reasonable efforts for this to be representative of the practice population.
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to help improve the service. The group is open to every patient on the GP practice list. All communities, groups, genders, ages, ethnicities, and disabilities representing the patient list are encouraged to join.
What is the role of the PPG?
• Helping to ensure that their practice puts the patient and improving health at the heart of everything it does
• It is important for the PPG to have an inclusive and diverse membership to ensure that the PPG represents as many types of patient voices as possible
• PPG members can act as ambassadors within the community and this can help with recruitment of new members
• By being as outward facing as possible, the PPG can learn about innovations which are happening in the local community and bring these back to the practice
• PPG members can help to promote health initiatives being introduced within the practice
• PPGs can work alongside the practice and local health commissioners to ensure that the right services are available to the local population
• PPGs can give patients and practice staff the opportunity to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest
• PPGs can provide a means for patients to become more involved and make suggestions about the healthcare services they receive
• PPGs can explore issues from patient complaints and patient surveys, contribute to actions plans and help monitor improvements.
• PPGs can contribute feedback to the practice on National Patient Survey results and Friends and Family Test feedback to propose developments or change
• PPGs can support the practice in promoting health awareness and patient education
Our next PPG meeting is at 6pm on 11 August 2022 at Bulwell Riverside – fill in this form to let us know if you will be joining us….