My Live Well with Pain has been created by clinicians who specialise in
supporting people with persistent pain. It is designed to help you learn how
to live well, despite your pain. Visit their website here
On the site, you’ll find leaflets and factsheets to download, inspirational
videos, podcasts and more. You don’t need to sign-up, and the site is
completely free to use.
My Live Well with Pain is full of tried and tested ideas. Many of the resources
on the site have been suggested by people who have learnt how to
successfully manage their own pain. By using the resources – and with
support from your GP or pain specialist – you’ll learn how to do this too.
The website doesn’t offer an instant fix. Learning to manage your pain is a
journey and it takes time. Use the site wisely – and share what you learn with
your pain specialist and with other supportive people around you.
They’ll be able to give you more encouragement, so that your journey is a
successful one and you can truly live well with pain.
Good luck!