We believe that General Practice must be sustainable both in the short and long term. We plan and manage our services to ensure that we can continue to deliver high quality care to our patients. In order to protect the future of general practice, we are actively involved in the training of medical and nursing students in order to help ensure we have sufficient professionals wanting to work in general practice for years to come. Additionally, we are working with patients to find greener solutions for the NHS, including working to reduce our carbon footprint.

We focus on detecting, managing and preventing illness as we recognise the importance of protecting good health by minimising the burden that chronic diseases can cause for patients and their families. We work together with initiatives across our local Primary Care Network to help identify those patients most at risk of becoming unwell in the future.

We promote health and wellbeing in our local population by working collaboratively with our local Primary Care Network and the additional new colleagues available to us to help support people to gain confidence and skills to best equip them to remain fit and healthy longer.

We invest in our staff and our practice as we recognise the importance of a skilled and sustainable workforce in order to be able to delivery high quality care to our patients. We seek to involve all of our team in our decision making.

We are committed to supporting the development of new ways or working and new ways of preventing and managing ill health. We do this not just by reflecting on our own practice and experiences, but also by engaging in local, regional and national research projects, including achieving Level 3 research practice status in 2022.