Reception Signposting Support Tool

This tool is provided as a guide. If in any doubt or you are concerned that an alternative pathway would be more appropriate please discuss with the on call clinician.

Non-urgent advice: Important

Start all conversations by asking for the patient’s name and date of birth the patient must be opened in SystmOne each and every time, and an outcome recorded for the contact.

Think continuity of care every time

Is this an ongoing problem that the patient has consulted for before – without any acute changes?

Is this something that has been going on for longer than 2 weeks and not getting any worse?

  • Offer next available routine appointment with usual clinician, or
  • add to appropriate waiting list and inform patient we will contact them within 2 weeks

Useful Resources

From May 2023, there has been an imposed change to the contract for primary care services in England. This requires that we must take steps to to ensure that a patient who contacts the contractor is provided with an appropriate response.

These appropriate responses are defined as being any one of the following

  • invite the patient for an appointment, (in person, telephone or video), at a time which is appropriate and reasonable having regard to all the circumstances
  • provide appropriate advice or care to the patient by another method
  • invite the patient to make use of, or direct the patient towards, appropriate services which are available to the patient, including services which the patient may access themselves
  • request further information (which could be via an e-consultation)
  • to convey when and how the patient will receive further information on the services that may be provided to them, having regard to the urgency of their clinical needs and other relevant circumstances

The appropriate response must not jeopardise the patients health, be based on the clinical needs of the patient and take into account their preferences where appropriate.

There is no requirement to provide any appointment on demand from a patient.

Social Prescribing Link Worker can explore solutions around non-medical issues that underpin health conditions

Patients suitable for referral include those

  • who are high service users (GP and hospital)
  • with poorly-managed long-term health conditions
  • with a low level of confidence to manage their own health (“activation”)
  • with mild-moderate mental health issues (eg stress/anxiety/low mood)
  • who would benefit from coaching to help with behavioural change
  • who are socially isolated/lonely/disconnected
  • looking for support, guidance & motivation to make lifestyle changes

111 advise the patient to contact 111 (online or call)

1Day same day (or following day if late afternoon)

999 instruct patient to call 999

ED advise patient to attend the Emergency Department

Econ request patient to submit more information via e-consult, photos must be good quality

EyeCas advise patient to attend Eye Casualty

FCP first contact physiotherapist (here or via Connect)

Follow-up next available appointment (non-urgent) with patients usual clinician

Nurse next available practice nurse (check appropriate nurse for the need)

Pharm signpost or refer to community pharmacy

PP next available practice pharmacist appointment or wait list

PT next available practice pharmacy technician appointment

Routine next available (non-urgent) appointment or wait list

UCC advise the patient to attend the urgent care centre

??? discuss with on call clinician

Up to half of Jo’s minor ailment slots may be directly booked by reception, the rest will be pulled from the on call list.



Athletes foot

Cellulitis and skin infections

Cough, cold and flu like illness (adults)

Diabetic problems

D&V (adults)

Ear pain



Sore throat


Vaginal discharge

Health Coaching is a supported self-management intervention The Coach can support the patient to identify and achieve health-promoting goals set by the patient. This can be achieved by one to one meetings/ consultations on a weekly basis for up to 12 weeks depending on the needs of the patient and their commitment.

Criteria for referral:
-Diabetes, type 1, type 2 patients who are at risk of developing diabetes i.e. impaired glucose regulation.
-Self-managing Respiratory conditions: Including COPD and Bronchiectasis.
-Patients with musculoskeletal problems that can benefit from improved health and well-being invention

Self Care Resources
Telephone Directory
Appointment Flow Chart

Fridge items

If in clear bags place directly in the fridge in the main store room and inform nursing team of the delivery

If in boxes open box and place contents in the fridge in the main storeroom, then inform nurses of the delivery

All other items

Place in main office and inform the intended recipient

Notification of birth received add to incoming correspondence workflow and send task to KB

Baby registered follow usual registration process and create / update task to KB (include in the task mum’s details)

If baby not registered four weeks after receipt of notification of birth, raise as a safeguarding task to NK

KB to add five week due date to task, task to remain open until baby is brought

When task becomes active (turns red) contact mum and book postnatal and baby check appointment (GP only) immediately followed by immunisations (PN), again keep task open until attends

PN to complete task when attends and make arrangements for subsequent vaccinations

If non-attendance PN / GP to attempt to contact mum. If two failed contacts raise as a safeguarding concern.

Severe bleeding that is still bleeding encourage patient to apply direct pressure, raise the affected limb (if arms) and sit on chair

Call for help and first aid kit

Bleeding has now stopped discuss with nurse or on call clinician

If struggling to talk or significant concern call for immediate help

Otherwise add to on call list, ask patient to sit in waiting room and inform on call clinician – do not send patient home to await a call back

Press panic button under desk and on S1

Call for help from main office

Check for danger

Check for response can you hear me? open your eyes!

Open airway tilt head back

Check for breathing

If not breathing normally roll patient onto back and start chest compressions, continue chest compressions until help arrives

If breathing normally place in recovery position

Attempt to defuse situation, try to remain calm

Seek support from colleague

Trigger panic alarm under desk and on S1

Consider the need to call 999

Line manager or on call clinician will arrange debrief

Ensure incident is reported on TeamNet

Vomit bowels, gloves, masks and spill kit is available in the drawer under the reception desk

Inform a member of the nursing team

See also information poster on doors and noticeboards

Pass to NL or MR

Date stamp, place in BSM tray (unless on leave) or hand to MR

The electronic download (including downloading the emails for scanning folder) will be undertaken once each working day

Downloaded documents will be screened for urgent actions and these highlighted to the appropriate team

These should be continually monitored during the working day by the identified members of staff

Prescription requests should be moved into the prescription team subfolder within the shared email account for action by the prescription team

Requests for patient review from care homes and other services should be added to the appropriate clinic list (home visit slot for urgent matters, admin task slot for administrative requests or next available ward round for routine matters)

Safeguarding concerns should be forwarded to AVD and a task raised to NK

Safeguarding information requests should be forwarded to BSM, unless it is a request a next day response, in which case this should be added to the on call list as a professional call

Date stamp and place in BSM tray

Will be opened daily and stamped with the date of receipt

Prior to adding to the scanning tray all letters will be reviewed for urgent actions and these escalated to the appropriate team before placing the letter for scanning

Letters that are requests for reports, subject access requests or from solicitors must be processed using the other pathways in this section

Received by email print and put in registration tray

Handed in at reception check patient ID, add ID details to form and then place in registration tray

Once registered, place in scanning tray

Once scanned and linked to patient no further action is needed (can be completed)

When received by post or at reception, record receipt in the patient record, date stamp the request and place in the reports tray

If the request is for a copy of the medical record, complete the steps above but put into BSM tray

Date stamp and place in BSM tray. If BSM on leave hand to MR

Date stamp and place in BSM tray

These will be monitored throughout the working day, with Priority One tasks added to the on call clinician’s admin slot(s)

Tasks will otherwise be forwarded to the most appropriate team (or exceptionally person)

See also incoming correspondence policy on TeamNet

When the surgery opens at the start of the day the following actions are to be taken by the first receptionist(s) on duty

Logon to the left hand PC at reception (this is needed for the patient call screen)

Ensure that the check in screen is running

Unlock reception drawers and tambour unit (key in main key safe) and return key to key safe

Unlock tray cupboard in main office

Ensure practice mobile phone is turned on and charged

Place on call box and reception box on top of white cupboard towards the back of the main office

Ensure friends and family box is on reception counter with pens and blank cards

Ensure that the correct clinician name plates are on the appropriate clinic room doors

Ensure reception lights are turned on at 8am

When the surgery closes at the end of the day the following actions must be taken

Return the friends and family box to behind the reception screen

Check that no patients are left in the waiting area, toilets and consulting rooms

Return on call box and reception tray from main office to reception tambour unit

Return all items from reception area to the appropriate drawer or tambour unit

Lock reception drawers and tambour unit, return keys to key safe

Ensure that the signs above both prescription request boxes have been changed

Ensure the practice mobile phone has been turned off and secured

Print off the appointment lists (detailed view and single sided) for the following working day and place in top drawer on far left back of reception

Remove the current days appointment list print out and place in confidential waste

Ensure that all computers are turned off unless S1 update is planned for that night

Remove all cups from desks and consulting rooms, load and start dishwasher

Do not take home anything that shouldn’t leave the practice; in particular patient information (including notepads)

All policies can be found on TeamNet

Adult and Child Pathways

999 or take to ED if patient or caller reports suicidal and intending to act, self harm with significant injury, patient missing

Crisis team if patient known to service

Signpost to Talking Therapies

1Day or Routine depending on the amount of distress and impact on patients day to day activities

Follow-up with usual clinician if no worsening concerns in past 2 weeks

1Day if sudden worsening of symptoms or new significant distress

Routine otherwise

Ensure has sufficient medication to continue until at least 2 days after the planned review

Referral to social prescribers if social isolation may be a factor

999 or take to ED if patient or caller reports suicidal and intending to act, self harm with significant injury, patient missing

Crisis team if patient known to service

Signpost to Behavioural and Emotional Mental Health pathway – can self refer

1Day or Routine otherwise

Signpost to CAMHS / BEMH if already under those services

Routine unless acute worsening of symptoms

999 or ED if sudden severe abdominal pain with any of the following: vomiting blood, sweating, clammy, dizziness, fainting, male aged >66 or female aged >70

Follow-up if long standing and not acutely worsening

1Day or UCC if new

Routine if bloating is the only symptom

E-con if well in self and able to send a high quality photo

1Day or UCC otherwise

Abortion see termination of pregnancy

Pharm if new

E-con or Routine if has tried OTC products for 3 months consistently

Follow-up if ongoing concern

PP if reaction to medication

Addison’s disease, also known as primary adrenal insufficiency or hypoadrenalism, is a rare disorder of the adrenal glands.

999 if patient states is in crisis

??? if patient report unwell but not in crisis

In most cases signpost to Recovery Network Nottingham or call 0800 066 5362

Advise must not stop drinking abruptly.

??? or 1Day if currently shaking or unsteady

999 if face / mouth swelling, wheezing, tightness in chest or throat, trouble breathing or talking

1Day or ??? if affecting asthma control

Pharm if new and not tried anything for more than 1 week

1Day if symptoms very troubling or no response after at least six weeks of OTC treatment

Follow-up if ongoing concern and not worsening

999 or ED if severe bleeding, severe anal or abdominal pain and and of the following: dizzy, lightheaded, reduced consciousness, coffee ground vomiting, shortness of breath or poo is black or dark red

1Day if new bleeding or fever symptoms

Pharm if new pain with or without piles

999 or ED sudden onset of single joint pain (without any injury) that is red, hot, swollen and patient feels unwell

1Day sudden onset of multiple joint pain within the past week or worsening

FCP patient suspects they have arthritis

MOSAIC or Routine ongoing issue without sudden worsening

1Day or Routine worsening pain

Follow-up if asked to call for joint injection

Nurse wanting / needing routine review (may need further supply of inhalers in the meantime)

Nurse (same week) asthma worsening over weeks or months

1Day or ??? asthma worsening over days to weeks

999 unable to talk in full sentences

Routine (within 1 week) suspected asthma same week appointment

Nurse or PP or PT issues with inhaler(s)

Nurse (same day) or ??? diabetic or HIV+ patient

Pharm otherwise almost always

Routine treatment failures (has been using appropriately for at least six weeks) continue treatment in the meantime

Suspected (in child) self referral to Behavioural and Emotional Mental Health service.

NB there is no requirements for this referral to come from a GP, parents, children, schools and social workers are all able to access this service.

999 or ED new or worsening symptoms: If pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in both legs, numbness or tingling around the buttock or genitals, difficultly passing urine, loss of bladder or bowel control or pain started after a serious accident

Pharm if tot taking OTC analgesia

FCP or MOSAIC if taking OTC analgesia and pain not improving, pain stopping daily activities, worsening pain, or struggling to cope

1Day if high temperature, fevers, weight loss, lump or swelling, change in shape of back, pain worse at night, pain between shoulders rather than lower back

Follow-up if ongoing back pain, unless sudden change in symptoms

In all cases unless sending to ED or booking a same day appointment send back pain safety net text

Patient suspects may have advise self taken swabs and then will get text message with result

Signpost to NHS Choices website and dentist

1Day if child, diabetic or unable to pass urine

Routine (same week) otherwise

Adults can also be signposted to GU Medicine


Urine sample if sudden new bedwetting in previously continent child

Health visitor otherwise

999 if new one sided face droop, unable to lift up both arms and keep them there or difficulty speaking

1Day otherwise

ED if large or deep wounds, unable to stop the bleeding or wounds to face, head or genitals

Nurse (same day) or UCC otherwise

ED if change in vision, change in pupil shape, head injury with bruising around both eyes or unable to move eye

ED or 1Day (if unable to travel and can be seen same morning) if taking warfarin or blood thinners (not aspirin or clopidogrel)

Routine (same week) if not settling after two weeks, or other bruising

Pharm most cases

UCC if new large blisters from rubbing shoes causing walking problems

E-cons if worried about infection but otherwise well

1Day or Nurse (same day) if worried about infection and unwell with fever or nausea

New high blood pressure

ED if systolic >180 or diastolic >120 and chest pain, shortness of breath, change in vision. See also stroke

Routine if blood pressure lower than the above and no symptoms – ask the patient to take two blood pressure readings a day until the appointment (and bring them with them)

??? otherwise

New low blood pressure

ED if loss of consciousness, confusion, unable to walk or stand, chest pain, shortness of breath, bleeding that is new and can not be controlled

1Day or UCC if brief new fainting and now fully recovered and aged <60

1Day if has symptoms

Ongoing blood pressure management

Follow plan in the journal, otherwise Routine (same week)

Bloating see abdo pain

Boils see abscesses

Buttock pain see back pain

If of childbearing age consider pregnancy test

1Day if high temperature, fevers, redness, heat or swelling to part or all of the breast, hard lump that doesn’t move, nipple discharge, change in breast shape, part of the skin looks like orange peel (dimpled), a nipple has sunk inwards or a new rash around the nipple

Routine if pain only that is not improving with OTC painkillers

999 if unable to be moved

UCC if injury to foot, lower leg, knee, fingers, hand or wrist signpost to

ED if injury above the knee or at / above the elbow

Nurse (within 1 day) if new and diabetic same or next day practice nurse appointment

Otherwise self referral to podiatry

ED if chemical and electrical burns, burns larger than the persons hand, white or charred skin (any size)

ED if face, neck, hands, feet, over (or around) joints or genitals

Nurse (within 1 day) if more than 48 hours since injury or ?infected

UCC otherwise

If you think a gas appliance is leaking carbon monoxide, call the free National Gas Helpline immediately on 0800 111 999.

111 if patient suspects carbon monoxide poisoning

ED if altered consciousness, drowsy, finding it hard to breath or newly confused

Carpal tunnel syndrome see wrist pain

Optician if suspected

E-cons or message to usual clinician if known and worsening (for direct referral to opthalmology)

999 or ED if suspected infection and any of the following a very high temperature, or you feel hot and shivery, a fast heartbeat or fast breathing, purple patches on your skin, feeling dizzy or faint, confusion or disorientation, cold, clammy or pale skin, unresponsiveness or loss of consciousness

1Day otherwise

Nurse if has received invite letter or been recalled by ourselves

Details of when people will be invited available at

Chest infection see cough

999 if pain spreads to arms, back, neck or jaw, makes chest feel tight or heavy, also started with shortness of breath, sweating and feeling or being sick, lasts more than 15 minutes

Follow-up if known to have chest pain and no worsening or change in symptoms in the past two weeks

1Day for all other cases

Signpost to NHS website

??? if pregnant patient or household contact

1Day if unwell or unsure about diagnosis

Cold sore are common and usually clear in 10 days with or without treatment

Pharm in most cases

1Day if HIV+, diabetic, if very large or not starting to settle after 10 days

Colic is when a baby cries a lot but there’s no obvious cause. It’s a common problem that should get better by around 3 or 4 months of age.

999 or ED if baby has a weak or high-pitched cry, or baby’s cry does not sound like their normal cry

1Day if worried about baby’s crying, baby has colic and nothing seems to be working, or parent(s) finding it hard to cope

Routine (within 1 week) if baby is not growing or putting on weight as expected, or baby still has symptoms after 4 months of age

Most settle without anything other than OTC remedies within three weeks; most people start to feel better within one to two weeks.

Pharm for the majority of cases, offer link to NHS website

1Day if any of the following apply; not settling after 3 weeks, symptoms suddenly worsening, very high temperature and hot / shivery, shortness of breath or chest pain, serious LTC (diabetes, heart, lung or kidney disease, chemotherapy or HIV+)

UCC if normally fit and well and the above criteria do not apply

1Day or ED if coughed up a few small spots, flecks or streaks of blood, or noticed blood in your phlegm or handkerchief

ED or 999 (if unable to be taken) if coughing up more than just a few spots or streaks of blood, or any of the following – coughing up blood and finding it hard to breathe, have a very fast heartbeat or have pain in your chest or upper back

999 or ED if any of the following:

Skin: pale, mottled, ashen, blue, or reduced turgor

Activity: no response to social cues, does not wake or does not stay awake, weak, high pitched or continuous cry

Breathing: grunting, breathing very quickly, drawing skin in between ribs, centre of chest or front of neck when not crying

Other: temperature over 38C if under 3 months, rash that does not fade when pressure applied with a glass, bulging fontanelle, neck stiffness, fitting at the time of the call

1Day or UCC depending on capacity to see safely

Follow-up if already seen for this and no worsening concerns in the past 2 weeks

1Day if new or worsening concerns and injury more than 2 weeks ago, or worsening symptoms in a patient already seen for this injury by one of our team

UCC if any wounds to face or scalp

ED if major wounds or continued bleeding to face or scalp, knocked out but have now woken up, vomited since the injury, a headache that does not go away with painkillers, a change in behaviour (like being more irritable or losing interest in things around you (especially in children under 5)), crying more than usual (especially in babies and young children), problems with memory, drinking alcohol or taking drugs just before the injury, a blood clotting disorder (like haemophilia) or medicine to thin blood, had brain surgery in the past

999 if unconscious, difficulty staying awake or keeping their eyes open, a fit (seizure), fallen from a height more than 1 metre or 5 stairs, problems with their vision or hearing, a black eye without direct injury to the eye, clear fluid coming from their ears or nose, bleeding from their ears or bruising behind their ears, numbness or weakness in part of their body, problems with walking, balance, understanding, speaking or writing, hit their head at speed, such as in a car crash, being hit by a car or bike or a diving accident, or a head wound with something inside it or a dent to the head

Most cases settle within a week with regular eye hygiene (wiping with water that has been boiled and then cooled)

111 if pain in the eye(s), sensitivity to light, changes to vision that do not clear with blinking, very red eyes

1Day if baby aged <28 days, wears contact lenses, symptoms not settled after two weeks

Pharm for most new cases, unless <1 year old or >65 years old

Follow-up if already being treated for this and no sudden worsening in the past week

1Day if new and young child, or any age if abdominal pain or vomiting, or if blood on toileting

Corns or callouses see bunions

Cradle cap is a harmless skin condition that’s common in babies. It usually goes away on its own in 6 to 12 months, but there are things you can try to make it better.

Signpost to NHS conditions website

Pharm for most cases

Routine (within three days) if not getting better after a few weeks of treatment, cradle cap all over body, crusts bleed or leak fluid, or the affected areas look swollen

UCC or Nurse (same day) if new wound and patient concerned

Nurse (same day), UCC or 1Day if thinks wound infected

ED cannot stop the bleeding, the blood comes out in spurts and is bright red and hard to control, loss of feeling near the wound or have trouble moving it, bad cuts on face or the palm of hand, the wound is very large or deep, or there’s something stuck in the cut, such as a shard of glass – do not try to take it out yourself

Cystitis see Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Routine within 1 week if sudden onset and growing, or new change (within the past month) of a known skin lump

Routine otherwise

Pharm for almost all cases

Routine if not settling and worsening after at least one month of OTC treatment, itching affecting sleep, spreading on to face

1Day if new redness, weeping or bleeding from the scalp, or if fever symptoms and no other illness

ED only if finding it hard to breathe, a swollen or painful eye, or suddenly start having problems with eyesight, have a lot of swelling in mouth or thinks they have taken too many paracetamol

Signpost to dentist, list of dentists available at

Do not offer appointment in primary care even if care home resident

Signpost to pharmacist

Routine (needs to start medication 3 days before period would be due, if no BMI recorded will need to use machine first)

Nurse or follow-up for most ongoing concerns

1Day or ??? if newly raised blood sugars, ketones detected at home, abdominal pain, fast or deep breathing, feeling newly tired or vomiting

ED if newly confused, unable to stand or reduced consciousness

Signpost to NHS conditions website

Pharm if concerned about dehydration or needing medication to stop diarrhoea for a few hours

111 or 1Day if concern about dehydration remains after OTC medicines, blood in diarrhoea, more than seven days of diarrhoea or two days of vomiting

999 or ED if vomit blood or vomit that looks like ground coffee, green or yellow-green vomit, might have swallowed something poisonous, a stiff neck and pain when looking at bright lights, or a sudden, severe headache or stomach ache

999 or ED if any of the following:

Skin: pale, mottled, ashen, blue, or reduced turgor

Activity: no response to social cues, does not wake or does not stay awake, weak, high pitched or continuous cry

Breathing: grunting, breathing very quickly, drawing skin in between ribs, centre of chest or front of neck when not crying

Other: temperature over 38C if under 3 months, rash that does not fade when pressure applied with a glass, bulging fontanelle, neck stiffness, fitting at the time of the call

Otherwise see adults above

ED if unable to stand, new weakness in arm or leg, one side of face drooping, difficulty speaking, chest pain, continual vomiting or if new dizziness after a head injury

Routine (within the week) or 1Day if not coping with symptoms

Follow-up if ongoing concern previously seen here and no worsening concerns in the past week

Signpost to optician in most cases

ED if following head injury

1Day or 111 if eye pain or severe headache

1Day (same day) if patient concerned may have a DVT

ED if no capacity to see during the same day or worried about DVT and breathlessness and / or chest pain

Signpost to school or education provider if in education

Signpost to private or occupational health provider if an adult

Signpost to NHS conditions website

Do not book in to primary care as this is an occupational / educational matter and not medical

If wiling to pay for EC Pharm

Otherwise 1 Day

Pharm new onset and affecting one ear only

1Day or UCC if generally unwell, a very high temperature or feeling hot and shivery, swelling around the ear, fluid coming from the ear, hearing loss or a change in hearing, something stuck in the ear

Routine (within the week) if not settling after 3 days, recurrent ear infection, treatment failureEarwax only advise two weeks of olive oil drops into affected ear(s) twice a day (must lay on side when doing this) and then if not settling Nurse

1Day or UCC if generally unwell, a very high temperature or feeling hot and shivery, swelling around the ear, fluid coming from the ear, hearing loss or a change in hearing, something stuck in the ear or affecting both ears and child aged under 2

Routine (within the week) if not settling after 3 days, recurrent ear infection, treatment failure

Econ or routine

Pharm if mild and new onset (or Signpost to OTC emollients), otherwise RoutineEcon if causing problems and can send a good photo

1Day or UCC if new cracking and bleeding, discharge, hot, swollen, or feeling unwell

Follow-up if ongoing concern and not worsening in the past two weeks

Elbow and arm pain see Arthritis (suspected), but also consider Chest Pain

Floaters and flashes

Signpost to same day optician appointment or EyeCas if sudden onset, the number of floaters or flashes suddenly increases, a dark “curtain” or shadow moving across vision, new blurred vision, new eye pain, or onset after eye surgery or an eye injuryInjury

ED if chemical injury (keep rinsing eye with water while waiting for 999), a sharp object has pierced the eye, injury from fast flying object (ie grinding), any changes to vision after injury, headaches, temperatures, sensitivity to light, nausea or vomiting, unable to move eye or keep it open, blood or pus.

999 if still unwell and any of the following have not fully recovered or have difficulty with speech or movement, chest pain or a pounding, fluttering or irregular heartbeat (heart palpitations), seriously hurt themselves, are shaking or jerking because of a seizure or fit, fainted while exercising, fainted while lying down

Nurse (within 2 days) if new faint for ECG and Lying and Standing BP (discuss with on call as may need FBC as well)

Follow-up if ongoing issue and not worsening

Signpost or refer to Falls Team (via CityCare) if agred >60 and worried about falling or >1 recent falls without injury or feeling unwell

1Day if felt unwell before or after fall

Routine otherwise

999 or ED if any of the following:

Skin: pale, mottled, ashen, blue, or reduced turgor

Activity: no response to social cues, does not wake or does not stay awake, weak, high pitched or continuous cry

Breathing: grunting, breathing very quickly, drawing skin in between ribs, centre of chest or front of neck when not crying

Other: temperature over 38C if under 3 months, rash that does not fade when pressure applied with a glass, bulging fontanelle, neck stiffness, fitting at the time of the call

1Day or UCC depending on capacity to see safely

Signpost to if not otherwise unwell and has not already looked at self help

ED if sudden onset of severe fatigue with difficulty standing or confusion

Signpost to pregnancy test if female aged between 16 an 50

Signpost to Nottingham Talking Therapies if reports new / worsening anxiety, depression or stress

Routine if symptoms present for >4 weeks

PP if symptoms started since starting a new medication

Flu like illness see cough

Food allergy see allergy

Food poisoning see diarrhoea and vomiting

Foot pain see arthritis

ED if foreskin is pulled back and can not be returned to its usual position over the end of the penis

1Day or ??? if difficulty or pain passing urine

Signpost to NHS Conditions website

Routine otherwise

Signpost to podiatry of diabetic

Pharm for most other cases

Routine only if treatment failure (at least 3 months of continual use)

Gallstones see abdominal pain

Ganglion cyst see cysts and skin lumps

Gastritis see abdominal pain

Genital herpes see herpes

999 if finding it hard to breath

Routine otherwise

Gout see arthritis and joint pain

Gum disease see dental

Signpost to NHS conditions website


Signpost to NHS conditions website

Pharm usually

1Day if high temperature or hot and shivery, high level of parental concern, reduced urination, or patient is pregnant

Routine otherwise if not settling after 7 to 10 days

Hay fever see allergy


Follow-up if long standing, no acute worsening in the past 2 weeks, on medication and known to a clinician

1Day or Routine (same week) if long standing but worsening symptoms

999 if headache not easing with OTC medication after an injury, very sudden onset very painful headache, sudden problems speaking or remembering things, loss of vision, feeling drowsy or confused, a very high temperature, a rash that does not fade with pressure, loss of balance or difficulty walking

1Day or ??? if new headache and not controlled with OTC medication


Signpost to self refer to Ropewalk


1Day or Routine (same week) if sudden hearing loss over past week, pain or discharge

Nurse hearing check appointment

Pharm if not taking anything

Routine if lifestyle changes and pharmacy medicines are not helping, heartburn most days for 3 weeks or more, or food getting stuck in throat, frequently being sick, or losing weight for no reason


Signpost to self assessment tool online

1Day if dizziness or shortness of breath

Follow-up if ongoing and known to a clinician

Econ or Routine otherwise

ED if painful, unable to push back in, unable to open bowels, unable to pass wind and / or vomiting

Econ or Follow up if otherwise changing known hernia

Routine otherwise

Signpost to GU Medicine if first episode

Issue repeat Acyclovir if on repeats (even if >1 year since last supply)

1Day or Econ if not first episode and Acyclovir not available on repeats or additional concern from patient

See also cold sores

High blood pressure see blood pressure

Hip pain (adults) see arthritis and joint pain

ED if your sudden pain in hip, thigh or knee or cannot put any weight on 1 leg

1Day if new limping child, pain is getting worse or has not improved, or high temperature or feel hot and shivery

Routine (same week) if pain settled but has returned or not settling after 2 weeks and no alternative plan in place

Hives see heat rash and allergies

PP prescription supply issues

Routine if new concern

Follow-up if already on treatment

Hypertension see blood pressure

1Day or UCC

Incontinence see urinary incontinence

Indigestion see heart burn and acid reflux

Econ with good quality photo

1Day otherwise

UCC if no capacity


Econ or Routine if ingrown hair or area around it is very painful, hot or swollen

Signpost to podiatry

Econ or Routine if painful and swollen +/- pus, or diabetic

Pharm for most cases (very rarely infected in the first 72 hours)

Econ if not settling with antihistamines or concern about infection

UCC or 1Day if feeling unwell or previous cellulitis in the past year

Econ if new concern

Follow-up if ongoing

Follow-up if ongoing problem and seen by us before

111 or 1Day if new or worsening

Joint pain see arthritis and joint pain

Signpost to dentist if unable to eat

Routine if recurrent pain, affecting sleep or quality of life

Kidney infection see UTI

Kidney stones see abdominal pain

Knee pain see arthritis and joint pain

Signpost to NHS conditions website

Routine if leg cramps disturbing sleep, numbness or swelling in leg(s) or cramps last longer than 10 minutes

Refer to district nurse if housebound

Nurse otherwise


Signpost to NHS conditions website


Routine if not settling after three weeks

Low blood pressure see blood pressure

Signpost to NHS conditions website

Routine if not settling after two weeks

1Day if very sudden increase in size, pain or new onset of fever

Mastitis see breast pain

1Day if sudden (within the past week) onset or significant social issues / risks


Signpost to pregnancy test if last period late and previous periods reasonable regular

Routine bloods if concerned about menopause, aged <50, not on contraception and not previously investigated within the past year (FBC, UE, TFT, HbA1c, FSH) and then routine

Follow up if issue with ongoing symptoms or medication

Routine otherwise

Signpost to dentist if not settling

Migraine see headache

Miscarriage see vaginal bleeding

Routine (same week) if changes shape or looks uneven, changes colour, gets darker or has more than 2 colours, starts itching, crusting, flaking or bleeding or gets larger or more raised from the skin

Econ if able to send close and clear photo or if long standing without any changes


Signpost to NHS conditions website


Signpost to dentist if lasts longer than 3 weeks, keeps coming back, grows bigger than usual or is near the back of throat, bleeds or becomes more painful and red

Signpost to nail cutting service (paid) if unable to cut own nails

Signpost to podiatry for ingrowing nail concerns

Econ or Routine if nail change

1Day or UCC if new pain, redness, swelling around nail


Signpost to health visitor

1Day if high temperature, baby seems very uncomfortable

999 if sudden onset of nausea with chest pain that feels tight or heavy, pain that spreads to your arms, back, neck or jaw and / or shortness of breath

Otherwise see diarrhoea and vomiting

??? if with new headache or fever, or new pins / needles or weakness in arm(s) or leg(s)

UCC if pain started between 6 and 48 hours after road traffic collision

FCP if new neck pain not settling after 2 weeks, OTC painkillers not effective

Routine (same week) if first presentation

Follow-up if already seen for this

Routine (same week) if new

Signpost to NHS conditions website

ED if your nosebleed lasts longer than 10 to 15 minutes despite direct pressure, excessive bleeding, swallow blood and vomiting, bleeding starts after blow to the head, feeling weak or dizzy, difficuilty breathing

1Day if taking blood thinners (not aspirin or clopidogrel), feeling of heart racing, pale skin or shortness of breath

Routine if child under 2 years, or regular nosebleeds

Signpost to NHS conditions website

Signpost to Doris – results to HCA, can then be referred to Tier 2, weight watchers or health and wellbeing coaches

Routine if considering referral for gastric surgery

Routine if new

Signpost to CPAP clinic if issues with machine or change in symptoms

999 or ED if unusual behaviour, not fully awake, vomiting, fitting, chest pain or breathing difficulties

Otherwise discuss with on call

TOXBASE: Username: GP8461 Password: 8PCLE8

999 or ED if currently has palpitations with any of these symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling faint or fainting

UCC or 1Day if new onset and causing significant concern or previous heart problems

Follow-up if seen for this previously and not worsening in the past two weeks

Routine (same week) otherwise

Signpost to NHS conditions website


Routine if symptoms of piles and they’re getting worse or there’s no improvement after 7 days of treatment, recurrent symptoms, there is a change around the anus

1Day or 111 if piles and temperature is very high or feeling hot and shivery and generally unwell, pus leaking from piles

Signpost to NHS conditions website

Routine if constant or keeps coming back

1Day or 111 if affecting face (also consider Stroke / FAST test)

??? if chest pain

Pneumonia see cough

999 if more than one person affected patients must not make their own way to ED

Otherwise see Overdose


If requesting PSA test, can be booked directly for blood test provided patient is aged >50, no symptoms suggestive of prostate disease and no PSA test in the previous year.Should refrain from sexual activity and vigorous exercise, such as cycling, in the 2 days before the test as they can affect the PSA level and encourage to read the information available online here has symptoms see UTI (as acute infection should be excluded first)

Signpost to GU Med

Routine with HCA for 30 minute health check if registered within the past month

Signpost to or call 0115 960 1230



Routine if still itching 4 weeks after treatment


Sciatica see back pain

Signpost to GU Med

1Day if elderly, pregnant, diabetic or HIV+ and symptoms started within the previous 3 days

Econ or 111 otherwise

Shoulder pain see arthritis and joint pain

Signpost to NHS Conditions website

Pharm if not tried OTC and symptoms for less than 2 weeks

Routine (same week) if not settling, severe symptoms, or recurrent symptoms


Do not book directly on to minor ops waiting list until seen or agreed by AVD or BSM

Sleep apnoea see obstructive sleep apnoea

Smear see cervical screening

Signpost to StubIt

999 if difficulty swallowing or breathing, new drooling, making a high-pitched sound as they breathe (stridor) or have severe symptoms and are getting worse quickly

Pharm if otherwise well and not tried OTC painkillers

1Day if child under 7 or high degree of parental concern, diabetic or fever symptoms

Econ if able to send photo of tonsils

Two appointments with EW or HP, 20 to 30 minutes apart.

Must avoid using salbutamol or other reliever inhalers for 4 hours before the appointment

Avoid smoking for 24 hours before the appointment (minimum 4 hours)

Avoid alcohol, strenuous activity and large meals for 4 hours before the test

UCC if new

FCP or MOSAIC otherwise

Follow-up if there is a documented plan in the notes for the injection, can also be booked if has had previously (more than 3-4 months previous). Will need a double appointment.

Stings see bites

Stomach ache see abdominal pain and / or diarrhoea and vomiting

999 if new one sided face droop, arm weakness, slurred or garbled speech

??? if the above new symptoms have been present for >24 hours

1Day if the above new symptoms have occurred in the past 2 weeks and now fully resolved

UCC if skin is blistered, high temperature or shivering, dizzy, nausea, headache and muscle cramps, child under 2

Pharm otherwise

Tennis elbow see arthritis and joint pains

Tension headache see headaches

Tired all the time see fatigue

Signpost to BPAS or 03457 30 40 30 if aged >16

??? otherwise

Signpost to NHS conditions website

Routine if aged <16 or >65, first episode, more than 4 episodes in 12 months, OTC treatment failure, pregnant or breast feeding, diabetic or HIV+

If treatment failure or first episode can do self taken swabs rather than book an appointment

ED if sudden, severe pain in a testicle, testicle pain along with feeling sick, being sick or pain in your tummy, significant pain that has lasted more than an hour or continues when resting

Routine (same week) if aching or discomfort in testicles, a new or changing lump, new swelling, change in shape, change in feeling, a testicle that has become bigger than the other

Signpost to GU Med as an alternative for patients with recent new sexual partner, especially if any new discharge from the penis or pain in the penis

Complete travel information form for each patient travelling, ideally at least 6 weeks before travel.

Trigeminal neuralgia see jaw pain

TFT blood test if concerned and on treatment and >6 weeks since last dose change and >12 weeks since last TFT test


Routine (within 1 week)

Signpost or refer to continence clinic

Request urine sample only if aged <12 or >65, recent treatment failure or male.

Pharm if female, aged 16 to 64, no recent infections, otherwise well, and not allergic to nitrofurantoin

Routine (once cultures back) for treatment failures who are otherwise well

1Day, Econ or UCC otherwise

Self taken swabs if new or treatment failure

Signpost to GU Med if new sexual partner in past 3 months

Follow-up if ongoing and seen here previously

Routine otherwise


Routine if not settling with OTC products, or other symptoms

Unlikely to get NHS funding unless painful or at risk of skin breakdown

Econ with good quality photo


Vertigo see dizziness

Vomiting see diarrhoea and vomiting

Pharm or Econ (with photo)

Watering eye(s) see eye problems

Weight loss surgery see obesity

Weight loss, unexpected see unexpected weight loss

Whiplash see neck pain

Wrist pain see arthritis and joint pain

Technical change to ensure continued ability to update page contents (future proofing)

Blood pressure, high and low, added

Fatigue, tired all the time, added

Email address corrected

Hernia added

Herpes (genital) added

Refugee support added

Admin and reception procedures manual added

Poisoning and overdose added

Social Prescriber and Health and Wellbeing coach details added
Delaying periods added
Prostate problems updated to explain why it links to UTI
Pins and needles added
Lumps added